Nollau Leadership Institute

The Nollau Leadership Institute is designed to cultivate today’s leaders who are committed to creating a just, caring, and compassionate world. It is a program that acknowledges the many ways this hoped-for world is alive in each one of us, and how it comes into fuller expression when we journey together—as illustrated by the root word for leadership, loedan, which means ‘to travel.’
Grounded in the health and human service organizations of the United Church of Christ, this program offers a unique space in which to experience leadership formation. For more than 20 years, Nollau and its predecessor institutes has brought together a community of leaders committed to justice, collaboration, and possibility. Such values have shown to deepen during the program as participants grow in their leadership skills and identity from a place of belonging. Cultivating this connection between others, the world, and within themselves is the heart of the Nollau experience. Although many come to this program from a CHHSM organization or UCC affiliated ministry, people of all backgrounds are welcome to attend.
Through in-person retreats, online interactions, and peer mentoring, Nollau provides leadership formation through a variety of learning modalities and within a community of practice. Small group work, journaling, art, embodiment, and spiritual practices are all part of the program alongside the interactive didactic sessions. The program culminates with a capstone project and consecration as a Diakonal Minister at the CHHSM Annual Gathering.
The Institute is named after Rev. Louis Edward Nollau, a 19th century minister and founder of several St. Louis-area CHHSM organizations. In 1856 he also established Good Samaritan Hospital, which cared for patients of any religious or racial background—a rarity for the time. The healing work CHHSM organizations provide today continues to be rooted in a conviction of inherent worth and dignity, and it is this kind of integrated leadership that guides our program.
If you are interested in examining what it means to be a leader by exploring what it means to be human, to be in relationship, and to be part of something larger than yourself, CHHSM welcomes you to apply to this transformative year-long program.