Webinar for Women Clergy on Justice and Finances
May 21, 2018 |
The Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization Team of the United Church of Christ, with United Church Funds, is hosting a webinar for female clergy Tuesday, May 22, at 3 p.m. (ET). The webinar, Women Investing Today – Seeking Justice in Our Financial Lives, will examine ways in which local churches can realize a competitive return and pursue active social engagement.
Topics covered include:
- The importance of socially responsible investing (SRI)
- How UCF enables churches to align and integrate their faith and values while growing their endowment.
Learn more and register for the webinar.
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Register for this important webinar from the National Benevolent Association and featuring CHHSM's Elyse Berry; Feb. 20 at 7:30 p.m. ET. Link to register: nbacares-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QKOom9DQS4qCjefjQbI2MA#/registration