United Church Homes Becomes First Organization of its Kind to Receive W.I.S.E. Certification for Mental Health

United Church Homes (UCH), based in Marion, Ohio, has become the first organization of its kind to receive the W.I.S.E. Certification for Mental Health through the United Church of Christ (UCC), a significant milestone in its commitment to mental health advocacy. WISE, which stands for Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged for mental health, is a designation that highlights UCH’s dedication to fostering a supportive environment for mental health across all its communities.

In 2023, United Church Homes embarked on an ambitious journey to become informed advocates for mental health. This initiative is part of a broader, national effort led by the United Church of Christ, encouraging its member churches to embrace the W.I.S.E. framework. The certification process involved a comprehensive evaluation of UCH’s mental health advocacy initiatives, which included an anonymous survey conducted among staff and residents to better understand the mental health challenges within UCH communities.

As part of this initiative, UCH developed a W.I.S.E. Commitment Statement, with contributions from the UCH Mental Health Team, that was later approved by the organization’s leadership. The culmination of these efforts was the receipt of the W.I.S.E. Certification, which coincidentally arrived in May — Mental Health Awareness Month.

“We are thrilled to have achieved W.I.S.E. Certification, which reflects our ongoing commitment to mental health advocacy across our communities,” said the Rev. Dr. Kenneth Daniel, CEO for United Church Homes. “This certification is a testament to the hard work of our staff and residents and their dedication to creating a supportive environment for all.”

W.I.S.E. for Mental Health will be implemented across all United Church Homes communities in 14 states, ensuring that mental health resources and support are readily available to residents and staff.

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