Don Hill Consulting
United Church Funds has released the newest installment of its ongoing Planned Giving 101 series. This third webinar, featuring Howard Hawkins, director of business development, and Don Hill, president of Don Hill Consulting, is on Using Technology To Promote Planned Giving. United Church Funds continues to ask for questions and feedback on the series. Email…
Read MoreUnited Church Funds is developing a “Planned Giving 101” webinar series to introduce various aspects of planned giving to UCC members and agencies. The most recent webinar “Five Steps to a Successful Planned Giving Program” was released this week. It follows the successful “Why Your Church Needs a Planned Giving Program.” The series is available…
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UCC Love of Neighbor Retreat Gets to the Heart of Team Ministries - CHHSM
Amidst global concerns, pre-election stress, and other outreach initiatives, team leaders from the UCC’s Love of Neighbor ministry met in late October 2024 for a two-day CHHSM-led retreat, “Love o...