3 Great Loves
Sometimes the best Christmas present arrives in the form of a small gift from the heart. For two United Church of Christ-related partners, such gifts also exemplify God’s call to love one another, and neighbor as self. When Donna Smith-Pupillo, executive director of Deaconess Nursing Ministry in St. Louis, visited a developmentally-disabled woman in November…
Read MoreNothing says love like hundreds of pounds of food! Staff and participants at the United Church Homes and Service’s Carolina SeniorCare PACE Community in Lexington, N.C., discovered that over a two-week stretch in early November when they collected and then delivered 200 pounds of food to an area animal shelter and 100 pounds of food…
Read MoreDuring the last week of September, I was blessed to spend three days in St. Louis with the Nollau Institute class of 2017-2018 and my faculty teammates. It was an inspirational time of didactic and experiential learning, sharing of celebrations, opportunities and best practices. We dined, prayed, laughed and cried together. We encouraged, supported and…
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UCC Love of Neighbor Retreat Gets to the Heart of Team Ministries - CHHSM
Amidst global concerns, pre-election stress, and other outreach initiatives, team leaders from the UCC’s Love of Neighbor ministry met in late October 2024 for a two-day CHHSM-led retreat, “Love o...