Older Adult Health Care Stalwart and Former Plymouth Harbor Administrator Barichak Dies at 77

Dorothy Barichak, RN

By Harry E. Hobson, president and CEO, Plymouth Harbor, Inc.

On Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020, the world said goodbye to one of its finest caregivers, Dorothy M. Barichak, RN. Dorothy leaves behind a legacy of superior care along with a voice of positive change at the Florida state level of nursing home regulations.

Dorothy received her RN Diploma in 1963 and from that day forward, she was a champion for quality care for all. She began her career as a Public Health School Nurse at the St. Lucie County Health Department, Fort Pierce, Fla.  In 1969, Dorothy moved on to Sarasota Memorial Hospital as a Charge Nurse with emphasis in emergency room care where she remained for the next eight years.

UCC-related Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay was blessed upon Dorothy’s arrival in 1977, where she ascended through the ranks from charge nurse, assistant director of nursing, and director of Health Services prior to her promotion to administrator of The Jack A. Smith Healthcare Center, the skilled nursing home located on the campus of Plymouth Harbor.

Dorothy served two terms as a Trustee of LeadingAge Florida, our trade association for advocacy, education and the assurance of member excellence.

What one needs to know about Dorothy came from her own words in 1997, when she wrote, “My future at Plymouth Harbor offers many challenges. I refuse to compromise my life-long commitment to a loving, warm, caring approach to the care of our residents. This commitment requires dedicated nurses and certified nursing assistants. The challenge is to provide this dedication in a fiscally responsible manner. My other challenge is to keep abreast of all regulatory changes and to institute a wellness program for all of Plymouth Harbor, residents and employees alike.”

As the CEO of Plymouth Harbor, I can attest to the fact that Dorothy achieved these goals with class and served as a mentor to numerous nurses and certified nurse assistants.

Dorothy is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Don and Karen, and three grandchildren. A celebration of life is scheduled at Plymouth Harbor on Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 2:30 p.m.

She will be dearly missed.

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