LeadingAge: Contact Congress Today for Aging Services Relief
From LeadingAge: Congress is considering the next major coronavirus relief package. NOW is the time to make your voice heard as the House of Representatives has started introducing key provisions. We are pleased with key provisions in the new Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, or the HEROES Act, but want to ensure all aging services provider needs are met. Urge Congress to include these LeadingAge priorities in the next coronavirus relief package today!
Ask your senators and representative to support aging services by including:
- A $100 billion allocation specifically for aging services providers to cover additional costs for PPE, cleaning supplies, staffing, and other needs associated with coronavirus. Priority access to PPE and testing, without which our residents, clients, and staff continue to be at significant and avoidable risk.
- A $1.2 billion housing package to provide for rent and staffing supports, Service Coordinators, WiFi capability, and other assistance for the more than 1.1 million older adults served by federally-assisted housing.
- A funding source that specifically provides “hazard pay” for frontline workers.
- Additional funding and some loosening of restrictions on the loan programs that have been set up to support providers as they fight coronavirus and struggle to survive beyond the crisis.
- Compensation for home health telehealth visits and increased access to telehealth and technology across aging settings.
- Grants to support Medicaid HCBS providers and PACE programs, to strengthen care and services in the home for vulnerable older persons and persons with disabilities.
- A 12% FMAP increase. Enhance the Medicaid federal matching share from the initial increase of 6.2 percentage points to 12 percentage points.
- A charter and funding for a post-COVID Bipartisan Congressional Commission to develop a legislative strategy that establishes a planful infrastructure of aging services that is adequately financed, promotes quality of care and quality of life, and enables all Americans to grow old with dignity.
We need you to act now by emailing and calling your elected officials. Help us ensure Congress includes these needed resources in the next coronavirus legislation.
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