Wooten Named Executive Director of Franklinton Center at Bricks

The Board of Trustees and the Council of Elders of Franklinton Center at Bricks (FCAB) in Whitakers, N.C., recently introduced FCAB’s new executive director, the Rev. Dr. Douglas Wooten, at an open house held May 3, 2024. Wooten succeeds Ms. Vivian Lucas.
In a statement, the Board and Council said, “Wooten’s ties to Franklinton Center are deep, having been nurtured and equipped for leadership on our sacred ground of Franklinton Center at Bricks. We celebrate his return to lead Franklinton Center on its 153rd year of faith, justice, freedom.”
Prior to Franklinton Center, Wooten served as interim Conference Minister of the UCC’s Rocky Mountain Conference. He has served in national UCC leadership positions as well as in pastoral positions in Indiana, Hawaii, and North Carolina. He brings perspectives from his leadership in public safety and small farming.
Wooten earned a D. Min. degree from UCC-related Chicago Theological Seminary, and undergraduate and graduate degrees from Shaw University in Raleigh, N.C.
Wooten’s “leadership in church and society has equipped him to implement our vision of promoting justice, equality, inclusivity, and healing by providing a life-giving home to local, national, global programs and organizations,” read the statement.
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