United Church of Christ’s Retirement Housing Foundation in LeadingAge/Ziegler Top 10 Nonprofit Senior Living Providers
For 14 consecutive years, LeadingAge and Ziegler have partnered to produce the LeadingAge Ziegler 150 (“LZ 150”) publication, which details the largest 150 not-for-profit multi-site senior living providers in the country. The 2017 report quantifies the largest 150 not-for-profit multi-site senior living providers in the country. The LZ 150 ranks organizations according to the overall number of market-rate units within their system as of Dec. 31, 2016. Additional listings in the report provide insight into Affordable Housing properties, as well as, the largest single-site providers in the country.
The UCC’s Retirement Housing Foundation ranks 10th, with 4,105 affordable housing units (as of 12/31/16).
Of all the organizations represented in the LZ 150, 83.3 percent are faith-based senior living communities.
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