UCC Ministry Opportunities Listing Provides Additional Avenue for CHHSM Agencies Seeking Strong Candidates for Open Positions

Finding new staff members for leadership and ordained roles can be a difficult and long process, but CHHSM and the UCC have two free services to assist our organizations in those searches.
As most people affiliated with CHHSM agencies know, each month, Diakonie publishes current opportunities that CHHSM members have sent in. Those listings also are available on the CHHSM website and are repeated in every issue of Diakonie until filled.
But there is an even wider net open to all CHHSM agencies: the UCC Ministry Opportunities Listing. This online service provides a space for advertising open leadership roles, both ordained and non-ordained, and is available to all CHHSM organizations. While some CHHSM agencies already utilize the listing for chaplain opportunities, the UCC listing is for more than just ordained clergy. To date, several CHHSM agencies have taken advantage of the UCC listing to advertise for not only chaplain opportunities, but also executive director, COO, and director of department positions, among others.
To have any agency position listed on the CHHSM website and in Diakonie, send the particulars to CHHSM, and a CHHSM staffer will see that it is listed in a timely manner. After it’s posted, you will receive a direct link to the listing.
For a leadership role to be posted to UCC Ministry Opportunities, just mention in the initial email to CHHSM that you want the position also listed in UCC Ministry Opportunities. CHHSM will email you a short form to fill out that includes such information as position title, position description, agency contact person, and more. Positions can be listed for a specific time period, or until filled. Once the completed form is emailed back to CHHSM, we will send it on to UCC Ministry Opportunities for posting. Again, you’ll receive an email with a direct link to the listing.
Both CHHSM and UCC staff are aware of importance of timeliness in job listings, so turn-around time for posting available positions is fast.
“The CHHSM Job Listings and the UCC Ministry Opportunities provide additional paths for our CHHSM members to expand their pool of available candidates to UCC-related members and friends across the country,” said Jamar Doyle, president and CEO of CHHSM. “We are delighted to be able to offer this service to our members.”
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