UCC Cornerstone Fund Webinar Helps Local Church Leadership Match Property to Ministry

Part I Panelists Coyne, Clayton Jenkins, and Ziska.

A free two-part webinar on better matching church properties with mission and ministry from the United Church of Christ Cornerstone Fund is coming up this fall.

Matching Property with Mission & Ministry is split into two free, one-hour webinars: Designing It and Building It. Both will include expert discussion and information on such topics as church finances, building projects and renovations, and more. Each part includes a 45-minute panel presentation and a 15-minutes Q&A session. The webinars are open to pastors, church staff, and lay leadership.

Part II panelists Carlozza, Metzloff, and Zannoni.

Part I: Designing It takes place Thursday, Oct. 10, at 1 p.m. EST/10 a.m. PST. Featured webinar panelists include Maria C. Coyne, president and CEO of the Cornerstone Fund; the Rev. Courtney Clayton Jenkins, senior pastor and teacher, South Euclid (Ohio) UCC; and Richard Ziska, AIA, partner and architect, Ziska Architecture.

Part II: Building I  t takes place Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019, at 1 p.m. EST/10 a.m. PST. It features panelists Jeanine Colozza, vice president and chief lending officer, Cornerstone Fund; Peter Metzloff, lay leader, Medina (Ohio) UCC; and Steven Zannoni, AIA, director, Project Management Consultants.

Learn more about the webinars and register.

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