The Phoebe Institute on Aging Offers Conference on Person-Centered Care
Contributed by Phoebe Ministries
The Phoebe Institute on Aging is offering a valuable conference to educate caregivers about promoting an optimal quality of life for older adults by embracing their unique identities. Person-Centered Care: Responding to the Diverse Needs of an Aging Population will take place from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 26, 2016, in the ArtsQuest building at SteelStacks, 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem.
A pre-conference screening of “Gen Silent,” a critically acclaimed documentary about LGBT older adults, will start the day, followed by a keynote address on person-centered care by Judah L. Ronch, Ph.D., dean and professor at the Erickson School at The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Three break-out sessions with three or more options featuring topics on diversity and inclusion will be offered by area experts.
Break-out session speakers include:
- Liz Bradbury, director of the Training Institute at the Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center
- Peter Favini, MD, FACEP, chief of emergency medicine, St. Luke’s Monroe Campus and network vice chair of emergency services for the St. Luke’s University Health Network
- Corinne T. Feldman, MMS, PA-C, co-founder and director of the DeSales Free Clinic and Brett J. Feldman, MSPAS, PA-C, founder/program director of the Lehigh Valley Health Network Street Medicine Program
- Phyllis Alexander, senior trainer and governing board president, National Coalition Building Institute
- The Rev. Anne G. Huey, spiritual services manager at St. Luke’s Hospice
- Gillian Pidcock, MS, founder, Narrative Health Strategies
- Amy C. Beck, LSW, executive director, Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living (LVCIL)
- Terri Clark, MPH, prevention services coordinator, Action AIDS
- Diane Menio, MS, executive director, Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE)
The cost of the conference is $25 including all programming, breakfast and lunch. Visit for more information or to register by Oct. 19 or call 610-794-5150 with questions.
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