Washington Park UCC
The Council for Health and Human Service Ministries’ (CHHSM) 86th Annual Gathering, held March 12-14, 2024, in St. Louis, explored its theme of Innovation and Collaboration through meaningful worship, inspiring workshops and keynotes, and joyful conversations. This year’s Gathering was based on an Ecclesiastes Bible passage, and its meaning was a thread running throughout the…
Read MoreConnection. If one word can sum up three days of worship, workshops, keynotes, meetings, and social gatherings, it’s connection — at least in terms of the 85th Annual Gathering of the UCC Council for Health and Human Service Ministries, themed “Together through Mountains and Valleys” and held March 7-9 in Denver. “The 85th Annual Gathering…
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Defunding and demonizing the government's faith-based partners will make its job harder
(RNS) — Whether you are a person of faith or not, Musk’s actions should concern you because they threaten the bedrock principles of our democratic freedoms.