Unlimited Potential

UCC Missouri Mid-South Conference, CHHSM Ministries Partnership Works to Create Just World for All

By Barb Powell | July 31, 2018

Donna Smith-Pupillo, executive director of Deaconess Nurse Ministry in St. Louis, sees little difference when talking about her work and that of Deaconess’ partner, the United Church of Christ’s regional Missouri Mid-South Conference. “We partner with the conference because we are a part of the conference,” Smith-Pupillo says. “We are not a separate entity, but…

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Things are Looking ‘UP’ Towards ‘Unleashing Potential’ for Children and Families Served by UCC-Related Neighborhood Houses

By Barb Powell | December 8, 2017

In a move to remain at the forefront of children and family services in St. Louis, the United Church of Christ-affiliated Neighborhood Houses of St. Louis, announced recently that it is changing its name officially to Unleashing Potential (UP). Along with the name change is a shift in how services are delivered to children and…

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