United Caring Services
After years of hard work, United Caring Services (UCS) of Evansville, Ind., hosted an open house and ribbon-cutting ceremony Oct. 25 for its new Diversion Center. Attendees had the opportunity to tour the UCS campus, speak with staff members, and learn more about the Diversion Center and all of UCS’ programming. As substance misuse, mental…
Read MoreOne highlight of CHHSM’s 85th Annual Gathering — held March 7-9 in Denver — was the CHHSM Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon, which took place March 8. During the meeting, which included highlights of the work of CHHSM staff over the past year, the board also received the Member Report, enumerating not only the number…
Read MoreThe Board of Directors of United Caring Services, based in Evansville, Ind., is pleased to announce that Va Cun is UCS’ new executive director. She began her new role Feb. 8. Cun’s career spans academia, higher education administration, and the nonprofit sector. The unifying themes of her professional work are equity and social justice. Moreover, she…
Read MoreUnited Caring Services in Evansville, Ill., is well known for many of its shelter programs: a day shelter; men’s night shelter and women’s night shelter; recuperative care program providing a place for homeless individuals to stay after discharge for a hospital; and “white flag” program, providing seasonal night shelter to men, women and children during…
Read MoreEvery year, the seasonal White Flag program at UCC-related United Caring Services (UCS) in Evansville, Ind., serves countless numbers of people experiencing homelessness, providing a warm place to shelter overnight when the temperature dips below freezing. When UCS puts out the white flag, people know the overnight shelter will be open that evening. But this…
Read MoreThe UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries announced June 24 the release of its 2020 Annual Report. The online report centers on the responses of CHHSM and its member ministries to the dual public health crises of the past year: COVID-19 and systemic racism. The report is focused on the theme, “Justice and…
Read MoreDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, many CHHSM agencies that provide food, shelter, and other services to homeless persons and lower-income individuals are without their normal contingent of volunteers. But this has created a benefit: to compensate, CHHSM members across the country have forged new partnerships in their local communities. One example is United Caring Services…
Read MoreAs the cold weather approached, United Caring Services (UCS) in Evansville, Ind., worried about how to house guests who use its shelter on the coldest nights of the season. COVID-19 safe practices made its current space no longer large enough to house the 70-to-80 people who use the overnight sleeping accommodations during extremely cold winter…
Read MoreWhen the COVID-19 stay at home orders were issued in March, CHHSM member United Caring Services (UCS) knew it had to continue to help the local Evansville, Ind., community it serves. UCS provides emergency and essential services via its day shelter, men’s and women’s night shelters, medical respite, and apartments, and has not closed any…
Read MoreSocial injustices are becoming more obvious and recognizable during this time of the coronavirus pandemic, and CHHSM’s faith-based health and human service ministries are continuing and strengthening their outreach in their local communities. One main area of focus is food insecurity, the topic of the July installment of the Be A Voice Health and Human…
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Defunding and demonizing the government's faith-based partners will make its job harder
(RNS) — Whether you are a person of faith or not, Musk’s actions should concern you because they threaten the bedrock principles of our democratic freedoms.