
Presenting Sponsorship of Synod Offers Unique Avenue for Furthering CHHSM Members’ Mission and Ministry

By Barb Powell | July 6, 2019

Part family reunion, part education and information session, part network building … and a lot of fun and hard work. These sentiments express the overall reaction of CHHSM members participating in CHHSM’s first-ever presenting sponsorship of the UCC’s General Synod, held June 21-25 in Milwaukee, Wis. As presenting sponsor, CHHSM’s Synod presence helped introduce the…

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Readinger’s Poignant Reminder of UCC History Brings Successful Conclusion to CHHSM’s Synod Role

By Barb Powell | June 25, 2019

The UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries concluded a successful General Synod today (June 25) by honoring two special anniversaries: the UCC itself, and the ordination of the Rev. William R. Johnson, the first openly gay man ordained by a mainline Protestant church in the modern era. Johnson was ordained into Christian ministry…

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CHHSM Resolution On Recognizing Opioid Addiction as a Health Epidemic Overwhelmingly Approved by UCC’s General Synod

By Barb Powell | June 22, 2019

Delegates to the United Church of the Christ’s Thirty-Second General Synod, meeting in Milwaukee, Wis., today (June 22) approved a resolution recognizing opioid addiction as a health epidemic, ensuring access to treatment and pharmaceutical corporate responsibility. The Resolution of Witness passed with 97 percent — 629 votes — in favor, 11 opposed, and 8 abstaining.…

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