UCC Church Building & Loan Fund
Forward Together is the theme of CHHSM’s 2022 Annual Gathering, to be held March 8-10 in Louisville, Ky. Taking that theme to heart are a number of partners and CHHSM members who are stepping up this year to serve as sponsors of the event. One such organization is Ziegler, the Gathering’s Platinum sponsor for the…
Read MoreThe Council for Health and Human Service Ministries’ 81st Annual Gathering, held March 5-7 in Chicago, sent CHHSM members home filled with inspiration and hope, and armed with new information and renewed partnerships. “The Annual Gathering was a wonderful event that provided me the opportunity to see long-time friends and make new ones,” says Lee…
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Defunding and demonizing the government's faith-based partners will make its job harder
(RNS) — Whether you are a person of faith or not, Musk’s actions should concern you because they threaten the bedrock principles of our democratic freedoms.