St. Paul UCC
Unleashing Potential, based in St. Louis, recently received a Neighbors in Need (NIN) grant for $6,000 from the UCC’s Justice and Local Church Ministries. The funds will be used to support Unleashing Potential’s track record of academic and socio-emotional success, as well as to expand its Science, Technology, Engineering, Cultural Arts and Math (STEAM) programming.…
Read MoreWhen EHM Senior Solutions, a CHHSM-member ministry based in Saline, Mich., wanted to find a way to make sure the community knew about its services, board member Earl Roehm new just what to do. Roehm, a strong supporter of EHM within his local church, “approached EHM with the idea that EHM could benefit from having…
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Defunding and demonizing the government's faith-based partners will make its job harder
(RNS) — Whether you are a person of faith or not, Musk’s actions should concern you because they threaten the bedrock principles of our democratic freedoms.