Phoebe Ministries

Phoebe Ministries Kicks Off 115th Anniversary with Fete, Photo Re-Creations

By Barb Powell | August 17, 2018

UCC CHHSM’s Phoebe Ministries will kick off its 115th anniversary of providing care and service to older adults with a special Lawn Fête and band concert Aug. 22 at its Phoebe Allentown community. The event, which runs from 5 to 8 p.m., is free and open to the public, and will feature the renowned Royalaires…

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Johanna Baur Early Leader of Deaconess Witness in Pennsylvania

By Guest Contributor | August 16, 2018

This article is reprinted from the monthly “UCC Roots” email blast, August 2018. SIGN UP to receive UCC Roots in your inbox each month. The story below is by Caroline Dunleavy. The deaconess movement, rooted in the early church, was a non-ordained ministry for women. In the 1800s it was very popular among German immigrants arriving…

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Writers at Large: Phoebe Ministries Residents Find Community through Written Word

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | June 11, 2018

When Ronnie Backenstoe sat down to write her autobiography, she said to herself, “What did I get myself into? I’ve never written a thing in my life!” Eight “good” chapters and more than 300 pages later, Backenstoe was ready to publish. “I got writing and I didn’t know when to stop!” she laughs. “The more…

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UCC’s Phoebe Ministries Names Stacey Prohaska Director of Institutional Advancement

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | April 17, 2018

Phoebe Ministries announces the following change in staffing: Stacey L. Prohaska was appointed Director of Institutional Advancement at Phoebe Ministries. In this position, Prohaska will provide overall leadership for the institutional advancement program to ensure that Phoebe’s fundraising goals are achieved. Previously, Prohaska served as Director of Development and Community Relations at Circle of Seasons…

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Phoebe Ministries to Develop First Wellness-Focused Independent Living Project

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | March 1, 2018

Since Rodale Manufacturing moved to Emmaus from New York City in 1930, it and its successor companies have been pillars of the Lehigh Valley community. Upon the sale of its business to Hearst in January, the Rodale family was committed to ensuring that its property, nearly 40 acres in the heart of Emmaus, would be…

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UCC’s Phoebe Ministries Resident Reminisces About ‘Stories Told, Secrets Kept’ in Journalism Career

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | November 22, 2017

As a journalist in the newspaper business for 40 years, Frank Lordan’s motto has always been, “The most important thing is your honesty, integrity, and ability to keep a secret.” Some secrets are still important to keep today, although he has been retired from The Philadelphia Inquirer since 1988. Other secrets it was his job…

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CHHSM Report Highlights Ministries Providing Affordable Housing to Vulnerable U.S. Populations

By CHHSM Staff | August 12, 2017

The United Church of Christ’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries today (Aug. 11) released a report on the number of affordable housing units among CHHSM members. Across the United States, CHHSM-member ministries provide more than 20,000 affordable housing apartments. “We are proud that our CHHSM members fight for and provide low-income housing for…

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