Equius Group
First Retreat Fills 2022-2023 Nollau Leadership Institute Class with Personal Leadership Discoveries
The newest class of CHHSM’s Nollau Leadership Institute began its year in retreat, held June 27-July 1 at the Cedar Valley Retreat Center in West Bend, Wis. The first of three retreats held during the year-long Institute, the June gathering focused on personal leadership growth and experiences. “During the retreat, we discussed not only what…
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Amidst global concerns, pre-election stress, and other outreach initiatives, team leaders from the UCC’s Love of Neighbor ministry met in late October 2024 for a two-day CHHSM-led retreat, “Love of Neighbor: Connecting and Collaborating from the Heart,” to refocus on the why and how of their work. #BeAVoiceCHHSM
UCC Love of Neighbor Retreat Gets to the Heart of Team Ministries - CHHSM
Amidst global concerns, pre-election stress, and other outreach initiatives, team leaders from the UCC’s Love of Neighbor ministry met in late October 2024 for a two-day CHHSM-led retreat, “Love o...