Cherry Arbors Community

Volunteer Finds Family at UCC-Related Cherry Arbors

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | July 23, 2019

By Alissa Paolella Rhonda Farley was tired to the bone. She had spent the past several years waking at 4 a.m. daily to help care for her aging mother. With the assistance of her grown son, Rhonda was providing around-the-clock care for her mother, Georgena, who was experiencing the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. But…

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United Church of Christ’s Cherry Arbors Residents Surprise Meals-on-Wheels Driver with Award

By CHHSM-Member Ministry Contribution | January 3, 2018

Every weekday, Ed Early makes his way to Cherry Arbors, a United Church Homes affordable housing community nestled in Ohio’s heartland, to deliver meals to the 40 residents. But that’s not all Early does for the tenants of Cherry Arbors, so they decided to surprise him with the Community Member of the Year Award for…

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