At the United Church of Christ’s General Synod 24, hosted in July 2003 in Minneapolis, Minn., the UCC adopted a resolution calling for it to become an antiracist church and create antiracist policies, thus beginning a challenging journey all settings of the church continue today. The importance of this commitment and this work have only…
Read MoreA highlight of the July 11 opening plenary session of the United Church of Christ’s Thirty-Third General Synod — taking place virtually through July 18 — was the presentation, discussion and vote on a powerful resolution aimed at examining societal systemic racism through the lens of public health. Delegates overwhelmingly approved “A Resolution to Declare…
Read MoreReason to Have Hope: A Public Health Response to Racism — a multi-part, online, interactive, and highly adaptable course created by CHHSM — is now online! It is being released today (June 18) ahead of and in recognition of the Juneteenth holiday. “We are thrilled to offer ‘Reason to Hope’ as a means of helping…
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Defunding and demonizing the government's faith-based partners will make its job harder
(RNS) — Whether you are a person of faith or not, Musk’s actions should concern you because they threaten the bedrock principles of our democratic freedoms.