Letter: CHHSM Ministries Invited Into Deeper Involvement With UCC Disaster Ministries

Disaster Ministries United Church of ChristThe following letter is an invitation to CHHSM member ministries to consider becoming involved with UCC Disaster Ministries:

March 3, 2017

Dear CHHSM Member Agencies,

The Council for Health and Human Services Ministries (CHHSM), the UCC Council of Conference Ministers and UCC Wider Church Ministries would like to invite you to become a part of the UCC Disaster Ministries network. UCC Disaster Ministries utilizes a nationwide network of volunteers and Conference Disaster Coordinators (CDCs) to reach some of the most vulnerable communities impacted by disaster. By specializing in preparedness and long-term recovery we are able leverage resources in appropriate ways that support communities in preparing for and responding to destruction and loss.

Recognizing the unique role that CHHSM member agencies play in community resilience we strongly encourage you and your staff to be a part of this ministry. Please help us identify individuals, within your agency, that are interested in becoming a CDC or in joining an existing Conference Disaster Team. Attached you will find position details for the CDC and contact information for each CDC within your conference. Call Zach Wolgemuth, UCC Disaster Ministries Executive, and/or your UCC Conference Office to schedule a meeting to discuss opportunities.

Thank you for your support and partnership. Together we can make a lasting impact among the most vulnerable in our communities.

In Christ,

Mr. Michael J. Readinger
President and CEO
The Council for Health & Human Service Ministries, UCC 

The Rev. Dr. Rich Pleva
Chair – UCC Council of Conference Ministers

The Rev. James Moos
Executive Minister, Wider Church Ministries
Co-Executive, Global Ministries

Mr. Zach Wolgemuth
Executive, UCC Disaster Ministries
410-259-6194, wolgemuthz@ucc.org

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