CHHSM Store Saves Members Money that can be Used for Ministry Instead

Sometimes Care Purchasing Services (CPS) — the group purchasing agent behind the CHHSM Store — provides much needed items at a cost savings during emergencies, as in the current COVID crisis. But other times, CHHSM members save money in quiet ways that can go unnoticed until the savings is realized.
A good example of this is the financial reporting company Mueller Prost, and the benefits they provide to UCC-related Retirement Housing Foundation, based in Long Beach, Calif. RHF works with Tiffany Karlin at Mueller Prost. Although RHF began its working relationship with Karlin before she joined Mueller Prost, they’ve stayed with her — and the company — because of the savings.
“Mueller Prost prepares the California Medicare and Medical Cost Reports, files them on our behalf, provides support on annual Medi-Cal audits, files informal and formal appeals (if necessary), is our representative during the appeal process, and analyzes Medicaid rates,” says Frank Rossello, RHF CFO and vice president of finance. “They also provide support for special projects as requested, such as consulting on healthcare (third-party payers) billing and receivables management.”
In addition to the normal reporting work it does for clients, Natalia Hernandez — the CHHSM Store’s CPS client account manager — says that Mueller Prost also has added several resources and information on grants and new policies and procedures for nonprofits and healthcare organizations due to COVID-19 to its website:
- Healthcare Website:
- CAREs Act Site:
- Non For Profit Site:
The CHHSM Store is a group purchasing organization (GPO) that helps CHHSM member ministries and employees buy supplies, food, equipment services, appliances, technology and other items for better prices than they could get on their own. Care Purchasing Services negotiates with hundreds of vendors across the country to provide those competitive prices. In 2019 alone, CHHSM members spent more than $500,000 with CPS vendors, providing a savings of about $45,000.
CPS offers many opportunities for CHHSM members to save money. Hernandez and her team will do free cost analyses for CHHSM members. The analyses look at current vendors, comparing their pricing to the rates CPS vendors can offer. Sometimes CPS vendors are cheaper, sometimes not. Favored vendors also can be added to the CPS negotiated rate. The end result is savings, which benefits the CHHSM member.
For CHHSM members like RHF, the savings is palpable. Although “it’s difficult to estimate” exactly how much, Rossello says, “I’m guessing we have saved at least 10-20 percent compared to fees charged by larger firms.”
Learn more about CPS and the CHHSM Store.
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Council for Health and Human Service Ministries, UCC
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