CHHSM President and CEO Keynotes United Church Homes and Services Foundation Event

Lee Syria, president and CEO of United Church Homes and Services, with CHHSM’s Michael J. Readinger.
Michael J. Readinger, president and CEO of CHHSM, delivered the keynote Sept. 11 at a special dinner hosted by CHHSM member United Church Homes and Services (UCHS) of Newton, N.C.
The annual Julius Society dinner was held at UCHS’ Abernethy Laurels. The UCHS Julius Society consists of members who have chosen to support the mission of the UCHS Foundation by leaving a gift to the organization in their will or estate planning. Readinger noted the 270 Julius Society members and their collective generosity.
“Charity is clearly the mouth of faith, hope and love, as shared in Corinthians,” said Readinger. “The beauty of the generosity of gifts to the UCHS Foundation is their richness — the impact those gifts will have on the UCHS ministry in providing benevolence, enrichment, assistance, education, granting dreams, campus expansions and nurturing spiritual life cannot fully be measured. These gifts provide faith, an assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
The UCHS Julius Society is named in honor of Julius Abernethy. Julius and wife Maye Morrison Abernethy planted the seed that grew to become United Church Homes and Services. Today, UCHS employs over 850 team members and serves more than 2,000 residents, participants, and tenants with 12 programs across North Carolina and Virginia.
United Church Homes and Services, a not-for-profit corporation located in Newton, NC, operates three continuing care retirement communities, a PACE (Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly), and seven affordable senior housing communities across North Carolina and Virginia. For additional information, contact Joy Cline at 465-8014 or visit UCHAS’ website.
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