CHHSM Members Gain New Benefit Through CPS

Care Purchasing Services (CPS), the leading national group purchasing organization dedicated to the senior living market, partners with the Council of Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) to help provide CHHSM members with innovative, responsive business services that offer competitive pricing and sustainable vendor relationships developed in the spirit of UCC values. CPS is excited to announce a new national agreement that will benefit CHHSM members.
CPS has expanded its existing national agreement with TK Elevator (TKE), which offers a quality maintenance program designed to protect elevator equipment investments and contribute to the satisfaction of residents, to include benefits around new elevator installations and modernization. Through the benefit of this partnership, CHHSM members will save 10 percent on modernization and new installation labor, 10 percent on service contracts, and 30 percent on labor rates. In the current high inflation environment, this new benefit provides considerable savings to install and service the elevators critical to providing care.
Additional information about the partnership and full scope of benefits CHHSM agencies can access are available online through the CPS CHHSM store.
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