90-Plus Residents of CHHSM Ministry EdenHill Share Secrets to Longevity

EdenHill’s Over 90s Club members at the party honoring them.

What does it take to live well into your 90s? Members of the “Over 90s Club” at UCC-related EdenHill Community in New Braunfels, Texas, recently shared their experiences.

Life at EdenHill is active, especially for residents in the community’s Independent Living apartments and cottages. On Dec. 27, 32 residents were honored at a party for community members over 90. During the gathering, these inspiring folks were asked the secret to their longevity as well as what items remained on their bucket list.

Esther Varga replied, “I try to walk 10,000 steps every day.”

“I play every day, whether it’s Pac-Man, Monopoly or Bridge,” said Laura Epps.

Jack Ohlrich said he swears by eating a good breakfast every morning. Loraine Roberson reflected, “I’m up early every day. I get up and turn my chair to face the window so I can watch the dawn each morning.”

Mary Warren was happy to say she eats lunch with her son every day, and that’s what keeps her going.  Arlene Buckingham said she still writes letters as often as possible, while Harriet Phillips simply smiled and said, “[I] wouldn’t tell my secrets!”

The members of the Over 90s Club aren’t slowing down, either. Their bucket lists are enticing. Epps intends to make a slam in bridge, while Esther Varga is still holding out for a hole-in-one in golf. Virginia Smith’s grandson gets his Ph.D. in May and she plans to participate in his out-of-town graduation.

Travel remains a high priority for many in the Over 90s Club, with destinations that include Tuscany, Italy; Baja, California; Big Bend, and the Texas Hill Country.

Harry Wells energetically crossed one item off his bucket list when he went paragliding earlier this year, while Helen Edge’s bucket list is highlighted by “not kicking the bucket.”

Those living in the independent section of the community are just that. They are still caring fully for themselves but prefer living in a community setting for the friendships, support, safety and lack of yardwork. The average age of people living fully independently in EdenHill’s Pinnacle Apartments is 84.

Resident Bobbie Tickle believes it’s the social environment that accounts for the extended lives of so many people. “There’s always someone I can have a cup of coffee with,” she said. “There are always fun events I can participate in.”

Dot Loggins says doesn’t believe she would have lived this long if she’d been home alone.  She attributes her well-being to her friends and activities at EdenHill.

Whatever the reasons for still living vibrantly into their 90s, congratulations to all 32 members of EdenHill’s Over 90s Club.

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