Search Results: Opioid

CHHSM Resolution On Recognizing Opioid Addiction as a Health Epidemic Overwhelmingly Approved by UCC’s General Synod

The resolution was approved by 97 percent of voting delegates.

Delegates to the United Church of the Christ’s Thirty-Second General Synod, meeting in Milwaukee, Wis., today (June 22) approved a resolution recognizing opioid addiction as a health epidemic, ensuring access to treatment and pharmaceutical corporate responsibility. The Resolution of Witness passed with 97 percent — 629 votes — in favor, 11 opposed, and 8 abstaining.…

CHHSM-Sponsored Synod Resolution Aims to Increase Awareness and Heighten Activism about the Opioid Crisis


Each day, in UCC churches across the country, pastors and lay leaders serve their congregations and communities. Often, that service includes helping neighbors and family members deal with the effects of the current opioid crisis. To help shed additional light on the crisis and paths for treatment and solutions, the UCC Council for Health and…

United Church of Christ CHHSM Ministries Serve Others Amid Opioid Crisis


M. battled opioid addiction for almost two decades. First oxycodone and alcohol. When that wasn’t enough to numb his anguish, cocaine. Finally, heroin. Two days after being released from a short-term recovery program, M. relapsed. As the injected heroin coursed through his veins, his dangerously-enlarged heart gave out. At the age of 39, M. lost…

CHHSM to Sponsor Resolution on Opioid Crisis at 2019 UCC General Synod


The UCC’s Council for Health and Human Service Ministries has announced that it will sponsor a resolution on the opioid crisis at the UCC’s 2019 General Synod, to be held June 21-25, 2019, in Milwaukee, Wis. The resolution will address two prongs of the crisis: access to treatment and the actions of pharmaceutical companies. “Now…

Children are the Silent Victims of the Opioid Crisis

Randall J. Rider

By Randall J. Rider, MS, LSW, LMFT, President and CEO, Crossroad Child and Family Services This article is reprinted with permission from the Spring 2018 issue of The Messenger, the newsletter of Crossroad. Though it specifically addresses the opioid situation in Indiana, it rings true across the United States. When my last child outgrew the…

New Practical Toolkit Helps Faith and Community Leaders Face Opioid Epidemic


A new toolkit for faith and community leaders recently was unveiled by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Service, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The toolkit, “Hope & Healing: A practical toolkit for faith and community leaders in the face of the opioid epidemic,” was announced during a National Faith…

Harm Reduction Retreat Helps Participants Become ‘Agents of Resurrection’


Clergy, local church lay leaders, and members of various Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) agencies came together Aug. 7, 2024, for a special UCC Heartland Conference/CHHSM retreat on harm reduction. The day featured discussion, workshop activities, worship, ritual, and reflection as attendees learned how to take action in ending the overdose crisis…

CHHSM Synod Resolution on Racism is the Latest in its Tradition of Public Health Advocacy


This summer, the Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) and Council on Racial and Ethnic Ministries (COREM) are bringing a Resolution of Witness to the 33rd General Synod of the United Church of Christ, calling on the church to declare and respond to racism as a public health crisis. The resolution calls the…

Mental Health and Substance Use

CHHSM Advocacy Center Vol. 9: Mental Health and Substance Use Advocacy Menu Advocacy Introduction Vol. 1: Healthcare for All Vol. 2: Affordable Housing and Homelessness Vol. 3: Reproductive Health Care Vol. 4: Children, Youth, and Family Services Vol. 5: Services to Older Adults Vol. 6: Food Insecurity Vol 7: Services to Persons with Disabilities Vol.…

October Installment of Be a Voice Toolkit Focuses on Mental Health and Substance Use

Faith based advocacy

The oft-times partnered issues of mental health and substance use can cause complex treatment challenges — and solutions — for CHHSM members. One example is making sure health care professionals assisting persons of color are trained in cultural competency so that they can help their clients with mental health and substance use problems that arise…

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